Who / What's your God then? Scientist or Madmen?
To what you speak amen? Calm, stress or mayhem?
Little girls, make a change to the world
Where does your past lie? In turtles or fruitflies?
To what you said goodbeye? Petty or root lies?
Little boys, make a change with your toys - rearrange
If you ask me no questions, I'll maintain the impression that I'm all in the know
What steers your next step? Instinct or road map?
To what you'll salute, chap? Hat, lid or fool's cap?
Little you, make a change with your shoes - find your way
If you ask me no questions, I'll maintain the impression that I'm all in the know
Is there a reason why don't ask me nothing anymore, about anything?
Is there a way I can find out the trouble that you think that it may bring?
Is there a fortune-teller who told you about an evil curse or a magic ring?
I won't recall - not at all
If you ask me no questions, I'll maintain the impression that I'm all in the know
Everything changes and us staying put won't stop that happening
Still you are strong enough to stand straight in the current you're in
It takes a long long time, to find a rhyhme to the sublime
Life is all we know
And when you are alive
You are needed
In the blistering cold, in the blistering heat
At anytime
By someone alike
Even if it's only to realize
Life is all we know
Where the river runs through the mountains steep
And hardly a man could live there
Where the silver wind blows the snow to heaps
And the warmth of the sun is stripped bare
In a deep cave where nobody has ever been
On ledges, thin and afar
Wherever we are
Where the shadows of trees cool us down and a breeze lifts our hair when we dance
Where the sheep run ahead to the hill and the dog is getting wild at the fence
In a meadow where nobody has ever been
Under a cloud shaped like a star
Wherever we are
Where pedestrians hurry themselves ducking, cursing, skipping red lights
Where the sirene's call and there is no attention at all where policemen and all babies cry
In a rain that nobody has ever been in
In the back of a chock-a-block bar
Wherever we are
Where the birds go when they are tired of the world, where the air is thin
Where there is no excuse and you can't find a spur of original sin
On a planet where nobody's ever been
Oh nobody has been
Wherever we are
Where the shadows of trees cool us down and a breeze lifts our hair while we dance